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Virtual studio set free fcpx

This custom VirtualSetMediaInput subclass adds the ability to show and hide the plate in the Editor viewport, and to configure the distance between the plate and its assigned camera. You'll notice that each of the two video planes in the Level has a camera as a child: This subclass acts just like its parent, except that it also expects to have a specific camera Actor assigned to it as a child in the World Outliner. In the Virtual Studio, the Media Bundle Assets are instead represented in the Level by a custom subclass of the BP_MediaBundle_Plane_16-9 Blueprint Actor: VirtualSet/Blueprints/VirtualSetMediaInput. This default Blueprint contains a Plane Component, which is automatically set up to refer to the Media Texture created in the bundle's _InnerAssets folder. It also contains a MediaSound component that handles playing back the audio from the associated media source.

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Typically, when you drop a Media Bundle Asset into a Level, a new BP_MediaBundle_Plane_16-9 Actor is automatically spawned to represent the video in the 3D space of the Level. One thing to note about the Media Bundles in the Virtual Studio showcase is that they don't use the default Blueprint class that is used by most Media Bundle Assets.

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To learn how to set up Media Bundles from scratch, see the AJA Media I/O Quick Start Guide or Blackmagic Media I/O Quick Start Guide. Each of these bundles has a corresponding folder that holds its Media Framework Assets, named with the _InnerAssets suffix. This second feed is also composited behind the presenter's desk, but at an angle designed to be viewed from a camera to the presenter's right.Įach of the two video input planes behind the presenter's desk is set up using a Media Bundle: VirtualSet/Media/VideoBundle_01 and VirtualSet/Media/VideoBundle_02. In the Details panel, enable the Plate > Show Plate in Editor option. Select the VirtualSetMediaInput2 Actor in the World Outliner.

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To force this second feed to show up in the Viewport in the Unreal Editor: For details, see Onscreen Capture Controls below. The second video feed is hidden in the Unreal Editor, so you won't see it by default until you switch cameras - either in the Media Capture panel, or using the on-screen capture controls at runtime. This feed appears composited into the scene behind the presenter's desk. Only one is set up to be visible by default. The Virtual Studio showcase uses two Media Bundles to bring in input video feeds and make them appear in the Level Viewport. If you need to change the default port assignments or media settings (like frames per second, image resolution or color depth) to match the media setup you're working with on your computer, you can double-click any of these Media Profile Assets to open them up and edit their properties. You'll find the Media Profile Assets under the VirtualSet/MediaProfiles folder:įor more information on how Media Profiles work, see Supporting Multiple Media Configurations. To switch between these different configurations, press the down arrow in the Toolbar next to the current Media Profile, choose Select Profile from the drop-down menu, then choose the Media Profile you want to activate: So, while this configuration is active, you'll have video feeds coming in to the Level, but not going out. This configuration is not set up to capture any video from the Unreal Engine or Unreal Editor - it has no media outputs configured at all.

virtual studio set free fcpx virtual studio set free fcpx

This is the default configuration that will be active when you start your Project, so that you can immediately see some video playing even if you don't have a supported AJA or Blackmagic card installed. It's set up by default to get input from ports 1 and 2 on a DeckLink Duo 2 card, at 24 frames per second, using a 10-bit stream.įileMediaProfile is set up by default to get input from an. It's set up by default to get input from ports 1 and 2 on a Corvid 44 card, at 24 frames per second, using a 10-bit stream.īlackmagicMediaProfile_24fps_10bit exchanges SDI input video feeds and output captures with a device from Blackmagic Design. The Virtual Studio showcase is set up with three different media configuration, each one defined by a separate Media Profile Asset.ĪJAMediaProfile_24fps_10bit exchanges SDI input video feeds and output captures with a device from AJA Video Systems. For background information on the video configurations set up in this showcase, see the Quick Start guides for AJA Video and Blackmagic Design, and the page on Supporting Multiple Media Configurations.

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